Tuesday, November 2, 2010

FRUSTRATION by Kendra Lillian

Frustration is green
It smells like all-purpose cleaner
It tastes like wasabi
It sounds like a growl
And it makes you feel like
scratching and tearing something up

LOVE by Tara Jones

Love is red
It smells like strawberries
It tastes like a milkshake
It sounds like birds singing
And it makes you feel excited
and a little bit nervous

HAPPINESS by Jasmyne Roberts

Happiness is blue
It smells like the ocean
It tastes like cinnamon and apple oatmeal
It sounds like blue jays
And it makes you feel like you want to
jump up and down and do a cartwheel

FEAR by Darren Tsoi

Fear is yellow
It smells like heat
It tastes like fire
It sounds like lightning
And it makes you feel
like you are going to bleed

GREED by Joseph Horowitz

Greed is blue
It smells like sharpie markers
It tastes like chemicals
It sounds like scribbling children
And it makes you feel light-headed
and kinda guilty

RAGE by Son-Jay Lake

Rage is red
It smells like dirty water
It tastes like glazed ham
It sounds like a lion’s roar
And it makes you feel
like running away!

JOY by Tara Murray

Joy is white
It smells like fresh clean air
It tastes like vanilla bean ice cream
It sounds like a harp
And it makes you feel like floating air

ANGER by Foyez

Anger is black
It smells like black ink
It tastes like licorice
It sounds like cars crashing
And it makes you feel
like crunching gum

NEGLECT by Koby Horowitz

Neglect is gray
It smells like smoke
It tastes like burnt toast
It sounds like gears turning
And it makes you feel left out
from your friends and everybody around you

LAUGHTER by Ahlaysia Benders

Laughter is pink
It smells like strawberries
It tastes like cotton candy
It sounds like loud giggles
And it makes you feel ecstatic

FEAR by Ahlaysia Benders

Fear of death
Fear of the dark
Fear of getting old
Fear of poverty
Fear of getting pimples
Fear of not helping the world

FEAR by Tara Jones

Fear of electrical storms
Fear of running out of money
Fear of death
Fear of spiders
Fear of snakes
Fear of flying donkeys

FEAR by Tara Murray

Fear of becoming pregnant
Fear of the world coming to an end
Fear of love
Fear of running away from my problems
Fear of facing my problem
Fear of being an adult
Fear of dying tragically
Fear of moving on
Fear of making choices
Fear of opening up to people
when I don’t know their intentions.

FEAR by Kendra Lillian

Fear of speeding cars
Fear of pain
Fear of illness
Fear of running out of time
Fear of being late
Fear of “No”
Fear of violence and war
Fear of not doing enough
Fear of having no friends

FEAR by Masud Mohammed

Fear of my fears
Fear of pirates
Fear of spiders
Fear of running out of money
Fear of being left alone
Fear of ghosts
Fear of pumpkins’ faces
Fear of bats
Fear of sharks

FEAR by Jasmyne Roberts

Fear of being late
Fear of the number 13
Fear of becoming old
Fear of running out of family
Fear of frostbite
Fear of being scared
Fear of bees
Fear of pigeons
Fear of spiders

FEAR by Rehan Mohammed

Fear of getting shot in the head
Fear of getting touched
by the weirdest kid in school
Fear of being alone
Fear of running out of video games
Fear of tornadoes
Fear of ghosts
Fear of drowning
Fear of messing up
Fear of vampires

FEAR by Darren Tsoi

Fear of death
Fear of fainting
Fear of Mother Nature
Fear of running out of breath
Fear of police
Fear of guns
Fear of messing up
Fear of night
Fear of monsters